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[ 카빙창업박람회 ] 가맹본사 신용등급 공개


  5가지 기본맛에 지방맛 추가로 이제부터 기본맛은 6가지
  글쓴이 : 발행인 (211.♡.164.2)     날짜 : 15-12-02 15:14    

5가지 기본맛에 지방맛 추가로 기본맛은 6가지
지방맛 추가로 새로운 맛의 조합 가능해져


이미 알려진 5가지 기본맛에 하나가 더 추가되게 되었다. 그것은 지방맛.

이제부터는 단맛, 신맛, 쓴맛, 짠맛, 감칠맛, 지방맛까지 기본맛은 6가지가 된다.


지방맛은 기본맛으로 검증되기 전부터 우리는 이미 지방의 맛에 따라서 식재료를 평가하고 있었다. 즉, 지방의 맛을 알고 있던 것이다.


소고기의 등급을 지방의 분포에 따른 마블링이라는 기준으로 나눠서 활용해 왔고,

참치뱃살은 지방맛 때문에 고가의 부위로 취급되어 왔다.

삼겹살도 결국은 지방과 살코기 맛을 동시에 맛있게 느낄 수 있어서 국민 먹거리가 된 것이 아닌가?


지방맛이 기본맛에 추가됨으로써 관련 조미료상품도 다양하게 출시되리라 본다.

지방맛의 기본맛 등극으로 요리의 영역도 더 확장될 것이다.


아래는 27일(현지시간) 미국 일간 워싱턴포스트(WP)가 미국 퍼듀대학교 리차드 매티스 영양학 교수가 두가지 실험으로 지방이 기본 맛임을 증명한 내용이다.


Scientists have discovered a new taste that could make food more delicious


Taste, the sense that allows us to appreciate the beauty of good food, is something scientists understand fairly well. The sensation we feel when eating a piece of cake, chewing on a hamburger or taking the first bite of a piping hot piece of pizza is triggered when chemicals in our food interact with receptors in our mouths.


For hundreds of years, scientists have known about four basic tastes: sour, sweet, salty and bitter. More recently, a Japanese chemist discovered a fifth basic taste, umami, which is triggered by monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as its more widely known. Umami, perhaps best described as savory, is especially prevalent in truffles, meat and anchovies.


And now, scientists believe they have found a sixth basic taste that could profoundly change the way we eat.


In a new study, researchers found evidence that fat interacts with our taste buds in a way similar to the five basic tastes. We have known for some time that receptors in our mouths recognize fat, which has led scientists to believe it could change the way we perceive food in the same way that tastes such as sour and sweet do. Now theres evidence that it does.


"Fat is likely another one of the basic tastes. I think we have pretty clear evidence for this," said Richard Mattes, a professor of nutrition science at Purdue University, and the lead author of the study.


If people learn to manipulate the taste of fat correctly, he says, it will allow us to make tons of food taste better by either reproducing the taste of fat or introducing substitutes that successfully mimic it.


"We could isolate it and use it in the same way we have used the other basic tastes," said Mattes.


The sixth taste

There are thousands of taste buds on a single human tongue — and on the tops and bottoms and sides of our mouths. And receptors are all over our taste buds — there are as many as 100 taste receptors on each taste bud. How we experience a mouthful of food hinges on how the chemicals in the foods interact with the receptors on our tongues. The basic tastes blend together like primary colors to produce wildly different paintings of flavor.


To figure out that fat could be another of the basic tastes, Mattes conducted two experiments. In the first, more than 100 participants were given isolated solutions that had one of six different tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami and fatty. They were then asked to sort them into as many groups as they believed were necessary. The participants had little trouble identifying sweet, sour and salty as unique tastes, but, interestingly, they pooled the remaining three into a group that Mattes refers to as the "nebulous bucket."


"Were pretty sure that they did that because bitterness, umami-ness and fattiness, when isolated, can be pretty strange," said Mattes. "So they put them in a This is bad or This is strange group."


But then the researchers pressed the issue further, and thats when a clear division surfaced. In another experiment, they only gave participants solutions containing the three "bad" or "strange" tastes, and the participants easily divided the tastes into three groups.


"It was really very telling," said Mattes. "We already knew that people have a taste receptor for fatty acids; now we know that its a distinguishable taste — that it doesnt have overlap. The combination of those two things is whats important."


The fat taste that Mattes is talking about is hidden in a bite of steak or a dollop of olive oil — just as umami is hidden in a bite of anchovy. Fat, as everyone experiences it, is whats called a triglyceride, because it is made up of three fatty acids. The combination of the three — which are different in size and therefore different in flavor — gives fat the mouth feel and creaminess we associate with it.


The kind Mattes is talking about is actually only one of those three fatty acids: the longest. Its the one that stimulates the flavor profile that is unique to fat.


Like with primary colors, a primary taste can only be recognized as such if it doesnt share characteristics with other primary tastes. The fact that people can so easily recognize fat as a unique sensation in this context is evidence that it is a primary taste, especially since it already meets all of the other qualifications.


"There isnt a firm agreement about what characteristics are necessary, but we have a pretty solid sense," said Mattes. "We just needed to prove that it produced a sensation that was unique from the other primary tastes."


When you look at the color green, you dont immediately perceive that it is a combination of blue and yellow. In the same vein, when you eat a food that contains fat, you dont immediately perceive the taste produced by the fatty acid. But its there, and its distinct.


Spreading the fat flavor

Fat, the basic taste, on its own isnt reminiscent of bacon or lard. In fact, its pretty unappealing.


"Its very harsh," said Mattes. "It doesnt taste good."


Neither do some others. The bitter taste, the molecule by itself, doesnt taste too good. Nor does MSG. But we know what the former can do to the flavor of an I.P.A. beer, or chocolate, and what the latter can do to, well, almost anything. "Many things that are unpleasant in isolation in fact contribute greatly to the appeal of foods," Mattes reminds. "Fat is a perfect example."


The impact of Mattes research could extend well beyond the reach of his lab. They might very well end up affecting what is on your plate, and, more specifically, how it tastes.


"Understanding this could have huge implications for the food industry," said Mattes. "It could make a lot of food taste a lot better."


Until now, the industrys standard practice has been to mimic the taste by focusing on replicating the way it coats ones mouth. Thats largely thanks to the scientific consensus that fat is characterized less by flavor than by feel. But if the taste component is actually contributing to the way we experience fat, as Mattes believes he has proved it does, our tendency to rely strictly on feel could explain why so many products dont taste as good as we want them to.


In the way sugar, sodium and MSG have been used to enhance the taste of different foods, fat could soon be used too. One can only imagine what it will mean for flavor when the taste of fat can be sprinkled on top of a dish.


"Our understanding of primary colors, of vision, has allowed us to use that for creating art, for improving vision and for a wide array of everyday needs," said Mattes. "The better we understand our sense of taste, the better we’re be able to improve the taste of our food."


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